
EVMavericks Weekly Updates every Monday!


Last updated: 3/26/2023

EVMavericks Weekly #11: March 20-26, 2023

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Everything you need to know about the last week in EVMavericks in less than 69.6 seconds 👇

  1. Lots of discussion around whatever topics were present, including: airdrop celebration fiesta, 3Bs: Balaji, Banks and Bankless, aaaand more!

  2. EVMavericks: New Full Banner, Logo and BIO

  3. Juxta did their presentation about the combined powers of blockchain, wordpress and community at WordCamp Phoenix

  4. Dondo shared this great thread and talk by Optimism at ETHDenver about building a DAO, what has worked and hasn’t for DAOs.

  5. EthFinancy Daily Doots #12
